Channel: Golang Xml Unmarshal, No value - Stack Overflow
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Golang Xml Unmarshal, No value

type VastHtml struct {     VAST struct {             Version string `xml:"version,attr"`             Ad      struct {                     Id     string `xml:"id,attr"`                     InLine struct {                             AdSystem    string   `xml:"AdSystem"`                             AdTitle     string   `xml:"AdTitle"`                             Description string   `xml:"Description"`                             Error       string   `xml:"Error"`                             Impression  []string `xml:"Impression"`                             Creatives   struct {                                     Creative []struct {                                             Sequence string `xml:"sequence,attr"`                                             Id       string `xml:"id,attr"`                                             Linear   struct {                                                     Duration       string `xml:"Duration"`                                                     TrackingEvents struct {                                                             Tracking []string `xml:"Tracking"`                                                     } `xml:"TrackingEvents"`                                                     VideoClicks struct {                                                             ClickThrough string   `xml:"ClickThrough"`                                                             CustomClick  []string `xml:"CustomClick"`                                                     } `xml:"VideoClicks"`                                                     MediaFiles struct {                                                             MediaFile []struct {                                                                     Delivery string `xml:"delivery,attr"`                                                                     Bitrate  string `xml:"bitrate,attr"`                                                                     Width    string `xml:"width,attr"`                                                                     Height   string `xml:"height,attr"`                                                                     Type     string `xml:"type,attr"`                                                             } `xml:"MediaFile"`                                                     } `xml:"MediaFiles"`                                             } `xml:"Linear"`                                             CompanionAds struct {                                                     Companion []struct {                                                             Width                 string `xml:"width,attr"`                                                             Height                string `xml:"height,attr"`                                                             StaticResource        string `xml:"StaticResource"`                                                             TrackingEvents        string `xml:"TrackingEvents"`                                                             CompanionClickThrough string `xml:"CompanionClickThrough"`                                                     } `xml:"Companion"`                                             } `xml:"CompanionAds"`                                     } `xml:"Creative"`                             } `xml:"Creatives"`                             Extensions string `xml:"Extensions"`                     } `xml:"InLine"`             } `xml:"Ad"`     } `xml:"VAST"`


   func main() {    resp, err := http.Get("http://ad3.liverail.com/?LR_PUBLISHER_ID=1331&LR_CAMPAIGN_ID=229&LR_SCHEMA=vast2")    if err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)        os.Exit(1)    }    defer resp.Body.Close()   xmlDataFromHttp, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)     if err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)        os.Exit(1)    }   fmt.Println(os.Stdout, string(xmlDataFromHttp))// read xml http response   var xmlData VastHtml   err = xml.Unmarshal(xmlDataFromHttp, &xmlData)     if err != nil {           panic(err)         }fmt.Printf("XML===>: ", xmlData.VAST) }

Hello everone,after Unmarshaling the XmlVast that I get from an URL that's give just the struct but without any value. even when i copy the content of the XmlVast in a file and I try to Unmarshal it it give me the same responce the struct without any value.

Thank you in advance.

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